The start of 2023 has been a season of checking the weather daily, weekly, hourly for our photo sessions--especially since in times past, spring in the Bay Area is usually 70 degrees!
As we religiously checked the weather for this maternity session, the forecast said NO RAIN. Okay, let's move forward! But then the rain clouds started rolling in. As we drove to the location, dread began to settle in while thinking "we're going to get rained out." We prayed, "Lord, please hold the rain for just a little longer, and part the clouds for some sunlight, if possible!" Now, we don't pray trying to change God's mind, but His Word does say, "you have not because you ask not."
We shouldn't be surprised when God answers our prayers, no matter how insignificant they may seem. It was overcast at the beginning of this session, but NO RAIN, hallelujah! And towards the end, the clouds parted, the sun shone bright and we got some amazing glow for our golden hour photos!
Little girl was so hilarious--it took a while for her to warm up to us, but throughout the session she made little pirate faces and started posing for the photos. During mama and daddy photos, Kissy kept her occupied by drawing objects in the sand, which she continued to do for quite awhile and they became best friends! At the end of the session as we walked towards our cars, she held Kissy's hand the whole time which was so precious.
All in all, it was a great and successful day--and began to rain right after the session! Perfect timing. God is good!
Kind words:
"Thank you for making it effortless and I love them all especially since you captured all of [little girl's] funny faces and her personality!"
