We love when families get together for Legacy Sessions! You get all the different generations interacting with one another and it's such a sweet time seeing all of the various relationships in that.
Family is so important to us! Most of our extended family lives outside of the state so we cherish the time even more when we get together with them. Out Grandma (we called her "Grandma Dot") was the sweetest and gentlest woman. She was the glue that held all of our extended families to come together and when she passed, those times are all the more sweeter and we savor all the sweet memories of who she was and how she loved.
We had planned this photoshoot back in December and the daughter-in-law wanted to gift the family with a photoshoot (GREAT IDEA!) for Christmas. We set a date that worked with everyone's schedules and all looked good until...CALIFORNIA RAIN! We've been joking lately how California has been in a drought (we had devastating fires a couple years in a row) and we've all been praying for rain - and the Lord certainly answered! January was filled with catastrophic rain and wind which prevented many from going out let alone getting their photos taken!
As bummed as we were to postpone the session, it was WORTH IT for the rescheduled session and the beautiful green that popped up in all that time. The outfit color scheme they had worked SO WELL with the fresh growth of green.
We had such a blast and it's always worth it when at the end of the session someone says "Wow! That wasn't as hard as I thought! I actually ENJOYED myself!" That's a win in out books. ;-)
